Saturday, July 31, 2010

still numb

My heart still bleeds and stops its beating when i look at you.
I no longer feel cause my life is just a dark void without you...
But you are happy with thy new beloved...
and she is a fine and rare gem to behold..
More so than I am ever destined to be.
I feel so empty and alone but I have to bear it...
Seeing you happy and content as I could have never given....
I tried to give all of me and it was never enough...
I loved you and all you ever did was care...
but now I see that you never mentioned that i was there...
A hidden secret...
I was yours to be locked up inside and never spoken of...
A shameful disgrace I am to your pride...
And I was fooled to think I to be your bride...
A monster am I ...
A beauty is she....
Alone in this world......
And alone I shall be.....
For all eternity.

1 comment:

  1. Did you write that? That is beautifully written. And something I've gone through. Cat
